Tuesday, March 18, 2014

On Politics

What defines an expansive mind? The propensity to expand? Or perhaps the ability to comprehend different beliefs and adjunct your own personality with this input.
There is an odd idolation of those who ‘stick to their guns’ - that is those who do not adapt to new information. It is obvious that such individuals are not adept at processing and assimilating new feedback, or perhaps lack the ability to do so. Yet in our relatively modern society, we refute the ability to be influenced by new information. The politician who changes his view is labelled a ‘turncoat’, ‘liar’, or something of that ilk. Perhaps they do lie, that is not the point. The point is that we as a society should celebrate the man who can admit he was wrong - or more precisely admit that his previous views were held due to ignorance. But we do not, rather we celebrate this as weakness. But it is the judgemental masses that are weak, for they are the true effectors of change. Unfortunate that the only change they can effect is between one egotistical dickhead or another. And we call it democracy.

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