To be selfish should be worn as a badge. Everyone is selfish - in various degrees - and any apparent absence of it is by design, not nature. We are conditioned from a young age and variously throughout our years to spurn our selfish motives - those that do are held high by the community; those that do not are relegated as second class citizens.
It is the paragon of the weak and pathetic that selfishness should be stamped out. As to why, perhaps the obvious - that empathetic (or more correctly, those lacking apparent selfishness) people are more likely to look out for others, to help the weak at their own detriment. Thus the weak condition all to relinquish their god given selfishness to better their own selves - the true act of selfishness.
BUT one who spurns all empathy, who disowns all emotion in others - his ultimate act is suicide. For the act of killing oneself is to disavow all emotional tethers and relinquish dues to those who care. It is to put oneself unequivocally above all others, to decree on no uncertain terms that
“my short term suffering is so great that it is of more import that it stops than those around me who have investment in my life have happiness.”
"What doth it profit a man, if he gains the whole world but loses his soul" Matthew chapter 8
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